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Gal Gadot Has A Message For Fans As Wonder Woman 1984 Tickets Go On Sale

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Gal Gadot Has A Message For Fans As Wonder Woman 1984 Tickets Go On Sale

It was back in September that we first learned that Warner Bros. was moving the blockbuster to Christmas Day, though at the time of that announcement the plan was for Wonder Woman 1984 to still get a standard theatrical release. That changed in a major way in the middle of last month when it was confirmed that the film would be getting a blended distribution. As noted, the new adventure of Princess Diana of Themyscira will be available to see on the big screen where possible, but the movie is also going to be made available on the same date in the United States to HBO Max subscribers. This is obviously a pretty big deal for the new streaming service, which only launched in the first of the year and premiered its first original feature – Brandon Trost's An American Pickle – back in August.

The release comes on the heels of Warner Bros. putting Christopher Nolan's Tenet out exclusively in theaters at the start of the fall, and all eyes will be on the film from inside the industry to see how it performs on the big screen. Will fans' desire to see the blockbuster in the best possible format encourage them to purchase a ticket to go see it at their local cineplex? Or will the convenience of staying at home and paying roughly the same amount of money as a single ticket for a streaming subscription prove too big a lure?
